Wylam Brewery Lapsing Into Heresy Russian Imperial Stout
A traditional Imperial Stout, formulated and brewed with as close a proximity as attainable to the 19th Century primary style and form. Undecorated, elementary and devoid of any form of adjunct.
Using only 3 heritage malts, 2 old world hop varieties and a single historic yeast culture. Succeeding 9 months tank maturation where a protracted transformation occurs.
Noble, complex, and ripened over time, combining a low dry finishing gravity with compounded lingering furnishings of deluxe dark chocolate, cinder toffee, sweet vanilla and intense dried fruit.
A combination of noticeable alcohol warmth, dryness and high bittering makes this undoubtedly one to avoid if you’re a pastry stout devout.
12.5% ABV
Container size: 440ml can
Ⓥ Vegan beer