Introduction to Craft Beer

Posted on 20/06/17


Craft beer which is also often referred to as boutique beers are becoming more popular daily because people are beginning to get sick and tired of the taste and quality of the commercial beer which the major beer breweries in the world keep producing.  Craft beer clubs like us want to help with this mission.

There’s no official rule, law or dictionary definition but a craft beer is generally a beer which is known to have been made by a microbrewery industry or a craft brewer. It’s also assumed that a craft beer is produced in a brewery which is only producing just a given particular quantity of beer (Brewdog being the exception)and that the brewers of craft beer are known to strive for innovations and uniqueness.

According to the Brewers Association of America, there are more craft beer brewers in the United States currently than at any period since the era of Prohibition. Over the last four decades, the craft brewery industry has enjoyed a soaring growth in the industry, with over 1600 craft brewers currently in operation. The majority of beer factories in the world are considered to be a microbrewery with only 43 out of the 1759 breweries in America regarded as major brewers.

Many craft beers have started to go toe to toe now with the commercial beers and some other alcoholic products such as spirits and rums, having found their way to pubs and eateries. Craft beer is making it’s mark and threatening to possibly overtake other alcoholic products because of the higher quality in it; people don’t mind paying extra money for quality, craftsmanship and a good beer.

A craft beer would often be marketed with attractive labels and a more widened description of what the beer contains making it much more attractive for the consumers of beer. Telling the difference between a craft beer and a commercial beer is that most commercial beers are lagers with little bittering, hop flavour or jump out character.

If you’re not sure whether to make a move, or better still, change your beer from commercial beers to craft beers, then there are many of inexpensive ways you can do this. Firstly you could just go to a pub or a restaurant and try out a few of their craft beers – why not,? Chances are you’ll love it. If not, not much lost.  Secondly, there is plenty of craft beer clubs of which you can pay a weekly, monthly or yearly craft beer subscription to, whereby they send you a different and unique selection of craft beers every week or on a monthly basis. Thirdly, you can also go online and subscribe to an online craft beer delivery store, getting your craft beer here is as easy as just signing up, ordering your preferences of craft beer, and they deliver it to your described address mostly using UPS courier services. Whatever you decide, give it a go. You will most likely be well impressed by craft beers as their quality is much higher than the commercial beers. There’s a whole world of exciting beer out there – go and find it!

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